2 Little 2 Late!
One Common Cause welcomes this reply from the Veterans' Minister, although we would ask why it's only in the past 12 months that these changes have come about. The issue surrounding the Medical Discharge System has been highlighted on the well moderated Armynet for the past 3 years. In fact the blog named "Operation Hitback" which is also on the armynet, though removed and censored by the MoD, has also been pressing the importance of rectifying the failures in the present system.
In the reply, you state that pension forecasts for medically discharged personnel are automatically issued six weeks prior to the service person leaving. However, this can't be classed as factual, due to your statement ending with "providing the necessary information has been received by SPVA from the unit". We believe that the Personnel Recovery Branch and moreover the Personnel Recovery Units should ensure that all information is collated and forwarded to the SPVA, this would allow units / regiments deployed or otherwise engaged to be outside the link thus allowing continuity.
I would like to put the following across to those ministers and media watching the site: We have now been informed by the veterans' minister in two letters, that there is a system in place which works to support our injured personnel through recovery or discharge... To that end, if a medically discharged veteran has left within the last 12 months and didn't receive the welfare of care stated in the summary fact sheet, could the MoD face legal charges...! We hope that our serving personnel on long term sick are getting the welfare care as stated in the letter dated 16th March 2010.